What's the most optimized way of making a video player that could capture image from the video?
General and Desktop
Right now, I'm using the answer from this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37724602/how-to-save-a-frame-using-qmediaplayer?noredirect=1&lq=1
However, this doesn't let me play the video itself by any other QVideoWidgets, so I made a video player which actually shows each frame grabbed by the processFrame(QImage), which is of course, very poorly optimized.
I want to find an optimized way of making a video player that could capture image from the video when the user presses a button or something.
Also, something isn't going right with the QVideoProbe on my computer(explained on https://forum.qt.io/topic/124525/qvideowidget-not-working-with-qvideoprobe), so using QVideoProbe is out of the question. -
Any particular OS as target ?