why in qt debugger step over,step into and step out is disabled?
Hi, In Qt that is installed on Debian Linux, I open an example project ( an analog clock) . I want to debug step by step in Qt But steps (step over, step into, and step out ) are disabled...
I can not trace and debug the project step to step. Any help or guide?
Thank in advance -
@stackprogramer Does debugging work in general (does it stop at a break point)?
Thanks. The debugger can starts and stops... but trace and run step over code is disabled...The name value table is empty too. Altogether debuger not work correctly
@stackprogramer Did you check your Kit? Especially debugger tab? Do you have any warnings in your Kit configuration?
@jsulm thankyou, I before installed GDB and you can see the debugger tab. It is not a warning in it. These examples work fine in windows but in Linux, I faced with a strange case.