Strange problem with MouseArea under Android
I had already reported this problem on the bug track but it had no effect:
I get a strange result under Android when I use MouseArea in QML boxes.
Clicking on buttons works perfectly well when the box is placed at coordinates (0, 0) but it doesn't work anymore when the QML box is placed at any coordinates.
If a button is placed at the coordinates (100,50) in the QML box and this box is at the coordinates (150,50) of the screen, then It is as if the upper left edge of MouseArea is located at the coordinates (400,150) instead of at the coordinates (150+100, 50+50) =(250,100).
This is similar to the MouseArea having been translated by 2 * (150, 50).On the other hand, everything works perfectly well under Windows, linux and macOS.
The QML box is displayed correctly at the coordinates (150, 50).
Is there a bug in the Android version or did I forget something?
I'm using Qt 5.15.2
Thanks !
Here is the code :
cpp part :
engine_configuration->rootContext()->setContextProperty("anchorMenuAndroid", anchor_menu_androidQML); component_menu_androidQML = new QQmlComponent(engine_configuration); component_menu_androidQML->loadUrl(QUrl("qrc:///qml/menu_android.qml")); if (component_menu_androidQML->isReady()) { menuAndroidQML = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(component_menu_androidQML->create()); menuAndroidQML->ShowNormal(); menuAndroidQML->setPosition(QPoint(150, 50)); } else qWarning() << component_menu_androidQML->errorString();
QML box
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import MyLib 1.0 Window { id: main2 modality: Qt.NonModal width: 250 height: 250 color: "#000000" visible: true x: 0 y: 0 Item { anchors.fill: parent Button { id: image1 x: 100 y: 50 width: 100 height: 100 text: "Test" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { console.log("test") } } } } }
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