Understanding warning "Returning data of temporary object"
I have written a function to convert QString to char*
char* qStringToCharPtr(QString string, int* length) { QByteArray byteArray = string.toLocal8Bit(); *length = byteArray.length(); return byteArray.data(); }
And I receive the warning: "Returning data of temporary QByteArray". I understand that this is because the byteArray object is destroyed after the function call, and I am returning a pointer to the data stored in QByteArray .
Now change the function to thischar* qStringToCharPtr(QString string, int* length) { QByteArray byteArray = string.toLocal8Bit(); *length = byteArray.length(); char * ch = byteArray.data(); return ch; }
And with these changes, I don't get the warning. So my question is how come I don't receive the warning with the changes I made? All I did was to create a new pointer that points to the data in byteArray and return that instead?
It tries to tell you that byteArray data is very temporary and
you return a pointer to its internal data.
In version 2, you hide that fact as
char * ch = byteArray.data();
is indeed valid for that line
and from "return ch; " it cannot know that anymore but the effect is still the same.If we look in docs
it says
"The pointer remains valid as long as the byte array isn't reallocated or destroyed. "and QByteArray byteArray is a local variable so as soon as the function ends, it will be dellocated.
So its better to use .data() in place and not via a function.
Well it kinda depends on what we want to return.
Sometimes we can get away with simply returning a copy.Like
QString SomeFunc()then the Qstring does the copying for us.
if we are talking a char * from a container like qbytearry the best way would be to allocated storage for it
as docs shows.QString tmp = "test"; QByteArray text = tmp.toLocal8Bit(); char *data = new char[text.size() + 1]; strcpy(data, text.data());
and use that buffer. but that also places the burden on the caller to remember to deallocate the buffer.
So when this i needed to do then using a smart pointer to hangle the char * buffer can be used.However, its not 100% the whole truth
(Temporary object lifetime)So you might get away with code belov as when part of the calling expressions, the compiler might keep it alive.
char* qStringToCharPtr(QString string) { return string.toLocal8Bit().data(); }