eglfs_viv: Failed to open device
When I start my Qt application (linux/ARM/mx6), QFactoryLoader indicates an error, but I can determine where is the problem:
Got keys from plugin meta data ("eglfs_emu")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/usr/lib/plugins/egldeviceintegrations/"
Found metadata in lib /usr/lib/plugins/egldeviceintegrations/, metadata=
"IID": "org.qt-project.qt.qpa.egl.QEglFSDeviceIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.5",
"MetaData": {
"Keys": [
"archreq": 0,
"className": "QEglFSVivIntegrationPlugin",
"debug": false,
"version": 331264
}Got keys from plugin meta data ("eglfs_viv")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/home/root/Sampo/egldeviceintegrations" ...
loaded library "/usr/lib/plugins/egldeviceintegrations/"
QEglFSVivIntegration will set environment variable FB_MULTI_BUFFER=2 to enable double buffering and vsync.
If this is not desired, you can override this via: export QT_EGLFS_IMX6_NO_FB_MULTI_BUFFER=1
[ 1] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 2] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 3] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 4] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 5] _OpenDevice(1245): FATAL: Failed to open device, errno=No such file or directory.
QLibraryPrivate::unload succeeded on "/usr/lib/plugins/egldeviceintegrations/"
QLibraryPrivate::unload succeeded on "/usr/lib/plugins/platforms/"
[ 6] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 7] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 8] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 9] Failed to open device: No such file or directory, Try again...
[ 10] _OpenDevice(1245): FATAL: Failed to open device, errno=No such file or directory.What is missing? library, device, environment variable?
All libQt5 libraries are installed, and same for plugins.
I export these parameters:
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs
export QT_QPA_EGLFS_INTEGRATION=eglfs_vivThanks for help.
@Francois-W said in eglfs_viv: Failed to open device:
[ 5] _OpenDevice(1245): FATAL: Failed to open device, errno=No such file or directory
Have you checked this error?
What is missing? library, device, environment variable?
Not that I have much experience with IMX6 devices myself, but given the error above, it looks like you have some issues with the EGLFS device, and I'd say not related to Qt framework.
Have you tried running some other non-Qt application under EGLFS just to try your environment in the device?