QT for Snapdragon HDK and Jetson Xavier NX
Hi, I am looking to build an app for the Jetson Xavier NX (Linux arm64) and Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 HDK (Android) wondered if a QT application can run on both systems? In addition I wanted to know if I can call Java libraries from within the QT code as I need to call some of the Snapdragon's drivers and hardware API which are written in Java (Camera, GPU, CPU, etc.)
Thank you
Yes Qt works on both CPUs, and yes it's possible to call Java - through JNI.
@Inevo said in QT for Snapdragon HDK and Jetson Xavier NX:
How would you compare it to flutter? I will be new to both dart and C++, was wondering how good flutter is for embedded devices...
I have no experience with Flutter, sorry.
@Inevo said in QT for Snapdragon HDK and Jetson Xavier NX:
And what about the learning curve of QT? btw does it have a Drag and Drop designer?
- Qt has the best documentation I've seen anywhere
- learning curve - well, hard to say, I've started learning it 15 years ago... But in my case it was enough to read a few chapters in a book (just to get the initial info and "philosophy" of Qt) and then it was pretty easy to learn further (thanks to good documentation). Since then we have also gained QML, which according to many people I've heard is easier to learn than other such technologies
- Drag & Drop designer - yup, it's there, built into Qt Creator IDE. I almost never use it so again - can't comment much here, sorry!