Plasma no longer boots: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found
Installation and Deployment
Manjaro KDE just upgraded to Plasma 5.21 with QT 5.15.2.
A friend of mine that uses Manjaro KDE told me that after today’s update, when he entered his password, the desktop was no longer initializing.
So I updated one of my computers myself, one that uses auto-login, and I got this:
When starting plasmashell from the tty I got:
Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found.
The journal shows a problem with libc:
And the sddm.service shows:
Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1
Fixed by removing kwin-lowlatency, and installing kwin.
They are telling me that the official kwin now has the benefits of lowlatency too.