what is way to know we already displayed given directory on ui screen ?
i have displayed directory list wise images but i don't know how to know this directory list is already opened
for example : directory with name '20 Nov 2020' is already opened on ui screen with images
if any body know then let me know how to find and avoid this situation using qt c++ code ?
@Qt-embedded-developer You could simply use a https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qset.html where you store already loaded directories (QString) and check it before loading new directories...
so you implemented an app showing some data, and we should tell you what to do how to interpret this data with a simple screenshot? am i right? -
@raven-worx No. i want concept to handle problem. In my screen shot you can see that directory with name ' 20 Nov 21' is shown 2 time. i want to show it only one time.
i need to show distinct non empty directory list. on mouse event i am adding image and directory. but on event already opened directory again get displayed. i want right approach to handle and manage this problem.Note that i am reading thumbnail of photos and images from directory inside sdcard
@Qt-embedded-developer Sorry, but without posting your code others can only guess what you're doing wrong...
Before adding new data, check what you already have loaded.
@Qt-embedded-developer You could simply use a https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qset.html where you store already loaded directories (QString) and check it before loading new directories...