QTableView prevent internal movement
General and Desktop
Hi guys
i have implemented a Drag/Drop inside a subclassed QAbstractTableModel.
It works perfectly if i move stuff from one table to another:- removeRows gets called at the sourcemodel -> Job Done
But in case i move a row inside the table, it gets cloned, because:
- removeRows isn't called, moveRows isn't called either.
How can i implement a working move inside the same table
prevent "internal movement" ?greetings
Toby -
Don't know if that is a good solution, but i found one:
bool MyModel::canDropMimeData( const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int, int, const QModelIndex & ) const { if ( action != Qt::MoveAction ) return false; auto m = dynamic_cast<const UserDefinedMimeData*> ( data ); if ( !m ) return false; return m->sender() != this; }
I am using a subclassed QMimeData anyway, so i added a const-Pointer to the sourcemodel to the Mimedata and compared that pointer inside "canDropMimeData()" of the destinationmodel with "this". If they are equal the drop is blocked.