Need startSystem Move and startSystemResize method, upgrade Qt from 5.13.2 to 5.15.2. However, QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript cannot run in QThread after the upgrade. It runs fine on 5.13.2
Just like the title, I upgraded Qt from 5.13.2 to 5.15.2 because I wanted to use 5.15 startSystemMove and startSystemResize, but I couldn't run QWebEnginePage::runJavaScript on QThread after the upgrade. It worked well in 5.13.2. This is a small example to reproduce my problem. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Or the suggestion to move startSystemMove and startSystemResize from Qt5.15.2 to Qt5.13.2
#include <QThread> #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QWebEngineView> #include <QUrl> #include <QDebug> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QMainWindow window; auto *browser = new QWebEngineView(); browser->load(QUrl("")); window.setCentralWidget(browser); auto *downloadThread = QThread::create([&]() { qDebug()<<"start thread"; browser->page()->runJavaScript("console.error('download in thread');"); qDebug()<<"end thread"; }); downloadThread->start();; return QApplication::exec(); }
In Qt5.15.2 output:
start thread 13:49:47: The program has unexpectedly finished. 13:49:47: The process was ended forcefully.
In Qt5.13.2 output:
start thread end thread js: download in thread
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.