Android compilation problem with Qt creator 4.14.0
I just updated qt creator to version 4.14.0 and ndk to version 21.3.6528147 but since those updates, the program always compiles in ARM64-v8a whatever ABI I select.
With version 4.13.2 and ndk 21.1.6352462, everything worked fine!
How can I fix this?
Thanks !
I changed my ndk version because qt creator proposes the installation of version 21.3.6528147 by default...I don't think it comes from the ndk pack version. When I compile for arm64 processors, everything works fine! It's rather that for the Android version, I can't choose to compile on another type of processor! Returning to Qt creator 4.13.3, everything works normally!
Those are the recommended NDK versions for each Qt lib version.
When you are completely sure that the very same NDK version with a previous creator does compile without an issue, there should be a bug in the new creator version. You are right there.
Check on JIRA for a bug report on the issue and eventually file a bug report.
When you file a report, please post a link here.