Saving files after changing focus
Qt Creator and other tools
I'm trying to find a way to save files everytime focus get changed or QMake/Cmake/build runs in QtCreator.
Where can set that? -
@Please_Help_me_D said in Saving files after changing focus:
I'm trying to find a way to save files everytime focus get changed
In QtCreator?
If you want to safe all changed files in QtCreator before build then set "Options/Build & Run/Save all files before build"...
@jsulm hi
This option saves files only when I build an app. But I use now CMake and there are many CMake files that I change and then run CMake command to see how my changes work. And if I do not manually save those cmake-files (Ctrl+S) then my modifications are ignored :(
Sometimes I run CMake-GUI which claims that all changes are saved.