Fun and games (?!) building QSQLITE for Qt 5.15.0
I cannot guide you about what you need to do for your requirements.But the error line we are interested in is indeed:
QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "C:/Qt/5.15.0/mingw81_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll" : "Cannot load library C:\Qt\5.15.0\mingw81_32\plugins\sqldrivers\qsqlite.dll: Unknown error 0x000000c1."
You should indeed try a Dependency Walker as @Christian-Ehrlicher says. I think you have something wrong in your build! For
, is there any chance you have the wrong architecture, as per ? Or plain dependencies missing, like ? Seems Qt plugin loading likes to throw this error code :) -
@AMGAMG said in Fun and games (?!) building QSQLITE for Qt 5.15.0:
configure -prefix C:\Qt\5.15.0\Src\qtbase -nomake tests -nomake examples -sql-sqlite -opensource -confirm-license
This is not needed and therefore wrong
cd qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers
\Qt\5.15.9\mingw81_32\bin\qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=\Qt\5.15.0\Tools\OpenSSL\Win_x86\include" "LIBS+=-L%\Qt\5.15.0\Tools\OpenSSL\Win_x86\lib -l:libssl.lib -l:libcrypto.lib"L%
doesn't look right. Also are you sure you're using a 32bit binary build of Qt?Please follow the documentation.
@Christian-Ehrlicher OK, thanks. I didn't realise I already had a .pro file in Qt\5.15.0\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers.
My make line is wrong, I'm running a batch file with environment variables in and trying to translate on-the-fly as I post here. The second argument to
is actually"LIBS+=-L\Qt\5.15.0\Tools\OpenSSL\Win_x86\lib -l:libssl.lib -l:libcrypto.lib"
. I understand that-l:libssl.lib
links againstlibssl.lib
, whereas-lssl
would attempt to link againstlibssl.a
. This is advice given by a colleague, I assumed that since the dll built without errors, it was good advice; if you'd like me to try something else, please tell me. If you could say how I can "make clean
" as well, so I don't need to wait 45 minutes while I remove and re-download the sources, I would be very grateful.I'm not sure what build of Qt I'm using, to be honest, but I am sure it's a 32-bit kit. As well as reading and writing SQLite databases, the application has to read MS Access database written with a 32-bit version and when we tried building with a 64-bit kit, we couldn't read them.
I'm on the point of trying again, making sure that \Qt\5.15.0\Tools.OpenSSL\Win_x86\lib is in PATH at run-time. I will use the that came with the source distribution.
It's getting late in the UK so I won't be able to post results until the morning because of the "only one post every 10 minutes" thing.
(Later - also some edits above about the use of
)Adding the directory to PATH didn't fix the problem.
I now have this piece of code, which demonstrates the problem:
const QString dllName ("C:/Qt/5.15.0/mingw81_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll"); QLibrary lib (dllName); const bool loaded (lib.load ()); if (loaded) { qDebug ().noquote () << QString ("%1 loaded OK").arg (dllName); } else { qDebug ().noquote () << QString ("%1 failed to load - '%2'").arg (dllName).arg (lib.errorString ()); }
I also understand why you are suspicious that I'm not building a 32-bit dll. After reading this answer on, I've run
against my driver:$ file /cygdrive/c/Qt/5.15.0/mingw81_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll /cygdrive/c/Qt/5.15.0/mingw81_32/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
I've never run the utility before, but that looks to me like a 32-bit image.
I believe I have solved this now and have been able to build a encryption-aware SQLite driver on Qt 5.15.0. My head is still spinning from relief so I am uncertain, but this is what I believe I did to build a version using the SQLite Encryption Extension and OpenSSL (I will recheck and repeat, and post back here if I find that I actually did something different):
- Download
from the SQLite website - note that this requires a licence from, and use them to overwritesqlite3.c
in the Qt sources tree (C:\Qt\5.15.0\Src\qtbase\src\3rdparty\sqlite on my machine. - Move to the database drivers source directory (C:\Qt\5.15.0\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers on my machine)
- Run
, spcifying some extra dependencies:
qmake "INCLUDEPATH+=C:\Qt\Tools\OpenSSL\Win_x86\include" "LIBS+=-LC:\Qt\Tools\OpenSSL\Win_x86\lib -l:libssl.lib -l:libcrypto.lib"
- Run
to build the database driver.
mingw32-make sub-sqlite
- Copy the new driver from the source tree to kit (on my machine, from
) - Ensure that the OpenSSL crypto library is on the PATH when you run the application (on my machine, I need to add
Many thanks to everyone, particularly @Christian-Ehrlicher, @jsulm and @JonB for their help.
I believe that the Qt Documentation could be improved in this area and will probably raise a bug report to that effect.
My process currently only builds
which I assume is a Release version. I was hoping also to get a Debug version, probably calledqsqlited.dll
, but since what I have works with a Debug build of my software, and I have absolutely no desire to debug the driver I will leave it here. - Download
@AMGAMG said in Fun and games (?!) building QSQLITE for Qt 5.15.0:
I believe that the Qt Documentation could be improved in this area and will probably raise a bug report to that effect.
In which way? The steps you did are exactly the same as documented:
To judge by the number of threads on these forums, and elsewhere on the internet, dealing with queries on how to build a Qt database driver something is wrong.
The documentation section "Building the dirvers" starts with a discussion of the output of
. I agree that there is no instruction to runconfigure
, but neither is there any specific instruction not to build the driver. A week has passed now, but so far as I recall it was only when you stated above, in response to my publishing the command that I was using, that "This is not needed and therefore wrong", that it even occurred to me not to runconfigure
.I'm still having trouble - I am currently trying to circulate instructions on how to build the driver around the project team, and I find that I am unable to rebuild the driver from a cygwin window, or from a MinGW window started by selecting "Git-bash here" from the windows explorer context menu. I am able to build it from the Windows command prompt. I suspect this is nothing whatever to do with Qt, and am
asking for any assistance to resolve this problem here.I'm sorry not to have answered your question about documentation before now. If you can advise me how to set up my Qt Forum account so that I am emailed when someone else contributes to a thread I have contributed to (or even only one that I've started) I would be very grateful.
Back to my suspicion that the Qt Documentation could be improved... I notice that you have responded to a large proportion of the threads about building database drivers. Why do you think there are so many?
Thnks again for pointing me in the right direction.
I personally don't understand why anyone will create a sqldatabase driver plugin by them self when there are basic c++ and compiling knowledge is missing. Why not simply use the drivers by Qt instead? Why all people want to use a open-source unfriendly database like MySQL at all?
And if you think you can improve the documentation - feel free to provide a patch.
@Christian-Ehrlicher: I tried to explain some days ago.
- I am not using MySQL. I am using SQLite.
- The application I am building requires an encrypted database. The SQLite driver that is bundled with Qt does not support encryption; at least, it is not documented to support it.
- do provide an encryption extension, which is available on payment of an additional licence fee.
- On payment of the fee, you are supplied with "drop-in" replacements for the public domain
. You must then recompile your software using those sources.
I have the greatest respect for your knowledge of Qt as well as your patience. I would appreciate it if you would extend me a similar courtesy.
@Christian-Ehrlicher AMGAMG clearly answered your question on 15 Dec: ENCRYPTION. He's building the encrypted version of SQLite, which is only available as source code, and you have to compile it yourself. The built-in Qt version does not handle SQLite encryption.