The Network Chat example
I am studying the example called "Network chat", which unfortunately is not accompanied by great explanations or even comments.
It uses a UDP socket to send a broadcast and find peers on the network. It then creates a TCP client connection to each recognized peer and a server TCP connection to receive connections from the others.
At least that's what I understand.Now I was trying to modify it to not accept more than one connection from each ip, but for some reason the client connections proliferate, just change the port and I don't understand why.
Anyone who knows the example or sockets well, can you help me?
Im not sure what went wrong with the example, after you changed it
but I just wanted to point to this overall a better example. and far more info.
@Merlino said in The Network Chat example:
Now I was trying to modify it to not accept more than one connection from each ip, but for some reason the client connections proliferate, just change the port and I don't understand why.
I don't know the example/code. But TCP/IP allows e.g. multiple same IP connections if one side uses a different port number. Your server will need to keep a lookup of the IP clients connected (or get it from the established connections) and reject any from a duplicate client IP address.