How can I add newly installed kit that I cannot view on the kits menu?
I am installing another kit version but I cannot view it on the "Tools > Options > Kits." menu as the official documentation directs me to. I can see it is installed under QT folder like below.
but I cannot see it here
I couldn't find any solution. Any help is appriciated.
Ayşin -
@Ayshine said in How can I add newly installed kit that I cannot view on the kits menu?:
Would it be because I have CMake instead of QMake?
No. I think it is because you used another QtCreator version which stores its settings in same folder (~/.config/QtProject). You could make a backup of this folder, delete it and then start QtCreator from ~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator.
I have the version below. I run maintenance tool and installed kit 5.14.0
Actually what I am really trying to run a project created by using Qt Creator version: 4.11.0 and Qt kit version: 5.14.
I would be happy to remove this version of QT Creator and install 4.11 if it is possible -
@Ayshine This does not answer my question. But looking at the version I would say this is QtCreator from your Linux distribution. Start the one from Qt/Tools/qtCreator/bin ) and see whether it works (it should know about your Qt installation).
Well, the kit is the last step, is the new Qt version detected/listed in the QtVersions tab ?if push comes to shove, you can manually add the qt version.
click add follow the wizard, (browse to and select your new qmake executable)But, since it's not auto detected, you'll have to manly configure the whole kit, compiler, debugger etc.
@jsulm I also think I am running the QtCreator provided by Linux because I am searching from the basic search on ubuntu and run the first thing it finds. I tried to run the one from Qt/Tools/qtCreator/bin using terminal now I can see two version of Qt but I don't think the second one should be under anaconda I also had some warnings while running. I guess I messed up my installation.
@Ayshine said in How can I add newly installed kit that I cannot view on the kits menu?:
Would it be because I have CMake instead of QMake?
No. I think it is because you used another QtCreator version which stores its settings in same folder (~/.config/QtProject). You could make a backup of this folder, delete it and then start QtCreator from ~/Qt/Tools/QtCreator.
I managed to find the qmake under the kit version I installed tried to add it manually. However, I cannot build the project. Compile output shows that it is using another qmake the one under anaconda3.
Instead of adding the kit manually I added the Qt Version manually and selected it from the default one and The build output shows that is uses 5.14. I think my issue is solved now. We can mark this thread as solved. Thanks a lot for the help.