how to find the number of entered cells in QTableWidget
Hi, I'm using Pyqt5.I made a table with 100 rows and 2 columns by using QTableWidget.
The rows are user defined. Not all rows have to be used but the rows entered must be entered in order. If the user will use 5 rows, she/he must fill in from the 1st to the 5th rows.
There should be no rows skipped in betweenWith which code I can find out how many rows of the table are used.
I'm wondering how many rows are active in the table ?
I entered 5 rows out of 100 rows. I want to know that 5 rows are used or I entered 27 rows out of 100 rows I should retrieve "27 rows " .
rowCount or selectedIndexes are not useful , I've tried many things. Answer can be very easy but I'm confused. If you have any experience, can you share with me ?
Thank you for your attention. - could be part of a solution, along with tracking each edited cell in a set.
Another alternative is using a regular expression match.