No scrolling in ScrollArea
General and Desktop
Hello everyone,
I have implemented a QScrollArea into a widget. However, When I add multiple data into the scroll area, it just shrivels the data together and doesn't allow for the scroll functionality. Here is the code the code I have used:while(query->next()) { QString title = query->value(0).toString(); qDebug() << title; titles.push_back(title); QString link = query->value(1).toString(); qDebug() << link; links.push_back(link); QString image = query->value(2).toString(); qDebug() << image; images.push_back(image); } } else{ qDebug() << "Couldn't connect"; } QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(this); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; ui->mainWidget->setLayout(layout); layout->addWidget(scrollArea); QVBoxLayout *scrollLayout = new QVBoxLayout; scrollArea->setLayout(scrollLayout); for(int i=0; i<10; ++i){ QWidget *tempWidget = new QWidget; QHBoxLayout *tempLayout = new QHBoxLayout; tempWidget->setLayout(tempLayout); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Test"); tempLayout->addWidget(label); scrollLayout->addWidget(tempWidget); }
Because you are doing it wrongly. Your scrollLayout should be applied to a widget that you set on the QScrollArea.