Accessing Q_PROPERTY property from stylesheet seems not work...
General and Desktop
Hi everyone,
i m trying to assign a css style to a QPushButton, everything goes fine when i define property with setProperty method, for example:QPushButton * myPB = new QPushButton; myPB->setProperty("propState","unset");
then in css i have:
QPushButton[propState="unset"] { border-radius: 20px; background: qradialgradient( cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4, radius: 1.1, stop: 0 #d9d9d9, stop: 1 #949494 );
this works perfectly. Then i wanted to use Q_PROPERTY, so i subclassed QPushButton, and added a property this way:
/* header.h */ class customPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_ENUMS(PBSTATE) Q_PROPERTY(PBSTATE propState READ getPState WRITE setPState NOTIFY PStateChanged) public: explicit customPushButton(QWidget *parent); ~customPushButton(); enum PBSTATE { passed, failed, unset }; void setPState(PBSTATE propState) { state = propState; emit PStateChanged(propState); } PBSTATE getPState() const {return state;} signals: void PStateChanged(PBSTATE); private: PBSTATE state; };
then in file custom.cpp:
customPushButton::customPushButton(QWidget * parent) { this->setParent(parent); ... this->setPState(PBSTATE::unset); }
then i declared an instance of customPushButton in my main class, and after i applyedand stylesheet. In css i have:
QPushButton[propState="unset"] { border-radius: 20px; background: qradialgradient( cx: 0.3, cy: -0.4, fx: 0.3, fy: -0.4, radius: 1.1, stop: 0 #d9d9d9, stop: 1 #949494 );
this won t work, seems css has difficuty to recognize "propState" as property... someone can tell me if i m doing things correctly?
Emanuele Peruzzi