Mismatch between QtCreator and QtDesigner - implementing "connect"
I have successfully implemented "connect" in QtDesigner - passing string from "list" to "plaintextEdit".
I can implement similar "connect " in code - especially the last parameter with the help of intelisnese - all "legal".
connect(ui->list, &QListWidget::itemClicked , ui->plainTextEdit, &QPlainTextEdit::addItem);
But the compiler throws an error:
/media/f/QT/Qt/QT/qtconnectivity/examples/bluetooth/CAT_BT_18112020/device.cpp:138: error: 'addItem' is not a member of 'QPlainTextEdit' &QPlainTextEdit::addItem); ^
&QListWidget::itemClicked ,
&QPlainTextEdit::addItem);What am I doing wrong ?
does not handle items... So it does not have anyaddItem
function or slot.It's
@Pl45m4 said in MIsmatch between QtCreator and QtDesigner - implementing "connect":
QPlainTextEdit does not handle items... So it does not have any addItem function or slot.
appendPlainTextI made an error connecting two "lists", however when I connect list and plain text using append I get an error I am unable to decipher. It also looks as my signals are not in correct sequence.
They should be in
push button -> initialize and show dialog - that works fine.
dialog activated -> fill "list" with lines of text - that is done by original "btscan" connect and it is in QtDesigner (singal / slots ) and XML and that works toowhen filling the list , each "new item" should generate a signal and copy the item to "plain text". That works only once, on first "new item" detected . This is my add implemented in QtDesigner. I am not sure why it does not work on all "new / chaged" items. That is a minor issue.
What is need is to copy "new" items to "parent " dialog.
Ideally using same slot which is filling the "child" dialog.
I do no know how to modify / add to XML ( and really cannot since it is system created anyway.)I cannot do "cross object" conncet in QtDesigner and my attempts to do this in code failed ( posted elsewhere ).
After the above long and boring story - here are a simple and stupid question:
is it correct to implement "connect" in class constructor ?
to keep signals / slots in proper sequence - how do I verify that QtDesigner connection signals are "passed" to other object?
AKA how to debug / step thru QtDesigner XML code ?
@AnneRanch said in MIsmatch between QtCreator and QtDesigner - implementing "connect":
is it correct to implement "connect" in class constructor ?
Short and simple answer: It depends.
In general: Yes, when the connection should be valid the whole life time of the object. Basically connections can be made everywhere (as long as they make sense).
how to debug / step thru QtDesigner XML code ?
You can't.
It's XML and no C++ class.ui_CLASSNAME.h
is the corresponding C++ header file to yourCLASSNAME.ui
. And since it's just a header, there is nothing really going on there. It only includes the widgets, you create in QtDesigner.I do no know how to modify / add to XML
Just modify your QtDesigner file.