Search only for bluetooth devices that are turned on
Hello to all,
in my software i want to search only for bluetooth devices that are turned on. Currently, my software also shows me bluetooth devices registered in windows that are not turned on. How can I do?if (!localDevice) localDevice = new QBluetoothLocalDevice(); if (!localDevice->isValid()) { emit SignalConnectionNotification(BT_LOCAL_DEVICE_ERROR); return; } localDevice->powerOn(); adapter = localDevice->address(); discoveryAgent = new QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(adapter); QObject::connect(discoveryAgent, SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(QBluetoothDeviceInfo)), this, SLOT(BluetoothDeviceDiscovered(QBluetoothDeviceInfo))); QObject::connect(discoveryAgent, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(BluetoothDeviceDiscoveredFinished())); QObject::connect(discoveryAgent, SIGNAL(canceled()), this, SLOT(BluetoothDeviceDiscoveredFinished())); discoveryAgent->start();
If instead of finding the devices I find the services everything works. I can only find the services of bluetooth devices that are turned on. But the search takes a long time to finish (more than 2 minutes). This is because I have many bluetooth devices in the windows registry.
Can anyone help me out?
I am using Qt 5.14.0 on windows
As far as I remember (I haven't used BT on Windows since ~2 years), this is just the way it works. Windows reports all paired devices as "available". It's stupid but that's their way they've done it.
I think Qt 5.14 or 5.15 added some new functionality (like an experimental BT implementation) which goes around this limitation - please look for it in release announcements or blog posts. It is not compiled into official Qt packages, but can be compiled from source.