Mouse Click and keypressed not working in the Pathview
General and Desktop
Hi All,
Below is the code snippet I am trying. But, Mouseclick/keypressed nothing is working. Am I doing anything wrong here? Please suggest.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.3import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: root
property string keyboardinput: "wxyz"
width: 240; height: 200
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: root
onClicked: {
root.keyboardinput = "abcd";
Component {
id: compDelegate
Text {text: root.keyboardinput }
PathView { anchors.fill: parent delegate: compDelegate model: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Bill Jones" //icon: "pics/qtlogo.png" }} path: Path { startX: 120; startY: 100 PathQuad { x: 120; y: 25; controlX: 260; controlY: 75 } PathQuad { x: 120; y: 100; controlX: -20; controlY: 75 } } }