How to trace QML where error occurs
I have several messages in the Debugger Console:
QQmlEngine: Illegal attempt to connect to ListModel(0x78c66a0) that is in a different thread than the QML engine QQmlEngine(0x39e1428. qml\qqmlnotifier.cpp 135 ASSERT: "engine->jsStackTop >= mark" in file c:\users\qt\work\qt\qtdeclarative\src\qml\jsruntime\qv4scopedvalue_p.h, line 90 global\qglobal.cpp 3070 ASSERT: "f" in file qml\qqmlbinding.cpp, line 187 global\qglobal.cpp 3070
I'm trying to identify where in the QML these messages originate from, I've searched the Application for ListModel and there are a lot of usages, is there any way I can narrow it down?
This application was developed a long time ago for Qt4.8 and I have the task of making it work with Qt5.8, the version to be used is not my choice.
@Asperamanca I don't have the debug symbols so all I get is assembler.
Yes, it's just another package in the online installer. Or if you compile Qt yourself, there is probably an option to build them, too.
In general, I can highly recommend debugging into Qt code in order to understand how things work.
@Asperamanca , I've installed the debug symbols on my development system, although it appears or I'm told that not everything is debuggable, for example I want to drill down into the QTcpSocket write function, I can't.