Last empty column
In a QTableView I need the last (rightmost) column to be empty, expandable but not movable. The goal is that the table not to suddenly end (for I use alternate color for rows) or to ugly expand to the right. In QHeaderView there is a setFirstSectionMovable(bool).
I need something similar for the last section, letting the rest of them movable. (in other words: Fill the rest of the table with an empty -not movable- column). Any clue how to acheive this ? -
Be HeaderView a subclass of QHeaderView and have
setSectionsMovable(true); setStretchLastSection(true);
Treat the sectionMoved signal:
connect(this, &QHeaderView::sectionMoved, [this](int, int, int newVisual) { if(newVisual == count()-1) { moveSection(newVisual, newVisual-1); } });
and override mousePressEvent:
void HeaderView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int logicalIdx = logicalIndexAt(event->pos()); if(logicalIdx != count()-1) { QHeaderView::mousePressEvent(event); } }
and do whatever you want to do with your last column. -
I did override mousePressEvent() in a subclass of QHeaderView to skip (inactivate) the last section but it still can be moved by moving other column in its place and I don't know how to prevent this.
Be HeaderView a subclass of QHeaderView and have
setSectionsMovable(true); setStretchLastSection(true);
Treat the sectionMoved signal:
connect(this, &QHeaderView::sectionMoved, [this](int, int, int newVisual) { if(newVisual == count()-1) { moveSection(newVisual, newVisual-1); } });
and override mousePressEvent:
void HeaderView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { int logicalIdx = logicalIndexAt(event->pos()); if(logicalIdx != count()-1) { QHeaderView::mousePressEvent(event); } }