Camera preview is not visible in inbuilt application and throws error Access denied finding property ""
I am trying to run declarative_camera (QT inbuilt project) application in android. I am using Qt 5.14.1 with sdk version 28 and ndk version r21 on windows. The application is deploy successfully but I am not able to see camera preview and the controls are also not visible to me. The project runs successfully on windows platform and doesn't give any issue.
It gives errors like below.Access denied finding property ""
Access denied finding property ""
Access denied finding property ""
Access denied finding property ""10-30 14:50:45.171 878 5074 I Camera2ClientBase: Camera 0: Opened. Client: org.qtproject.example.declarative_camera (PID 15778, UID 10444) 10-30 14:50:45.174 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.234 878 5074 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.4/legacy/0 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 10-30 14:50:45.234 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=0, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.4/legacy/1 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=1, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 E CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: cannot get torch status of camera 1: No such file or directory (-2) 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.4/legacy/2 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=2, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 E CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: cannot get torch status of camera 2: No such file or directory (-2) 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.4/legacy/3 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 10-30 14:50:45.235 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=3, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.235 3416 22196 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 3 10-30 14:50:45.237 878 5074 I CameraProviderManager: Camera device device@3.4/legacy/4 torch status is now NOT_AVAILABLE 10-30 14:50:45.237 878 5074 I CameraService: onTorchStatusChangedLocked: Torch status changed for cameraId=4, newStatus=0 10-30 14:50:45.237 3416 22196 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status update of camera: 4 10-30 14:50:45.236 651 651 W HwBinder:651_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:72200): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14819 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 10-30 14:50:45.247 651 1601 E libc : Access denied finding property "" 10-30 14:50:45.236 651 651 W HwBinder:651_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:72201): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14819 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 10-30 14:50:45.249 651 1601 E libc : Access denied finding property "" 10-30 14:50:45.259 878 5074 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 24 10-30 14:50:45.259 878 5074 W Camera2-Parameters: initialize: Camera 0: Unknown preview format: 25 10-30 14:50:45.263 878 5074 E Camera2-Parameters: Error finding static metadata entry 'android.distortionCorrection.availableModes' (1b0001) 10-30 14:50:45.263 878 5074 I Camera2-Parameters: Camera 0: Disabling ZSL mode 10-30 14:50:45.263 878 5074 I Camera2-Parameters: initialize: allowZslMode: 0 slowJpegMode 0 10-30 14:50:45.256 15778 15778 W QtThread: type=1400 audit(0.0:72202): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14912 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c188,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 10-30 14:50:45.270 15778 16141 E libc : Access denied finding property "" 10-30 14:50:45.294 664 1707 I sensors-hal: flush:169, android.sensor.accelerometer/42 10-30 14:50:45.295 664 1707 I sensors-hal: flush:175, android.sensor.accelerometer/42 completed 10-30 14:50:45.301 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [CONFIG ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:2113 InitializeOverrideSession() Session_parameters FPS range 8:30, BatchSize: 1 FPS: 30 SkipPattern: 1, cameraId = 0 selected use case = 1 10-30 14:50:45.301 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:4231 Initialize() [lijun.feature]operationmode = 0 10-30 14:50:45.301 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:4283 Initialize() stream = 0x7fa2fbe8e8 streamType = 0 streamFormat = 34 streamWidth = 1920 streamHeight = 1440 10-30 14:50:45.301 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:4283 Initialize() stream = 0x7faf06e3e8 streamType = 0 streamFormat = 33 streamWidth = 4000 streamHeight = 3000 10-30 14:50:45.301 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxadvancedcamerausecase.cpp:4283 Initialize() stream = 0x7faf06e488 streamType = 0 streamFormat = 35 streamWidth = 1920 streamHeight = 1440 10-30 14:50:45.302 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [CONFIG ] chxpipeline.cpp:176 CreateDescriptor() Pipeline[JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview] : numInputs=0, numOutputs=3 10-30 14:50:45.304 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][PPROC ] camxipenode.cpp:4047 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 8 10-30 14:50:45.309 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [CONFIG ] chxsensorselectmode.cpp:676 FindBestSensorMode() Selected Usecase: 7, SelectedMode W=4000, H=3000, FPS:30, NumBatchedFrames:1, modeIndex:1 10-30 14:50:45.310 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][PPROC ] camxipenode.cpp:4047 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 8 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][ISP ] camxifenode.cpp:8086 FinalizeBufferProperties() ERROR pInputPortRequirement->optimalHeightis 0 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][ISP ] camxifenode.cpp:8086 FinalizeBufferProperties() ERROR pInputPortRequirement->optimalHeightis 0 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][ISP ] camxifenode.cpp:8097 FinalizeBufferProperties() ERROR perOutputPortOptimalHeight is 0 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][ISP ] camxifenode.cpp:8512 FinalizeBufferProperties() Unsupported PDNativeBufferFormat = 0 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3365 RemoveOutputDeviceIndices() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IFE0 No device indice found for removal 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:3365 RemoveOutputDeviceIndices() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IFE0 No device indice found for removal 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_JPEG_Aggregator0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IFE0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 I chatty : uid=1047(cameraserver) HwBinder:651_2 identical 11 lines 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IFE0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_JPEG_Encoder0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_JPEG_Encoder1 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IPE0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IPE0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IPE1 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_IPE1 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_BPS0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 I chatty : uid=1047(cameraserver) HwBinder:651_2 identical 2 lines 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_BPS0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][CORE ] camxnode.cpp:5446 CreateBufferManagers() Node::JPEGEncodeLiveSnapshotPreview_LRME0 invalid type streamConfig 10-30 14:50:45.349 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxpdafdata.cpp:68 PDAFInit() PDAF name:imx586_pdaf 10-30 14:50:45.375 651 1568 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxsensornode.cpp:4750 LoadSensorInitConfigCmd() sdg++ CTCalibration[0].settings.regSettingCount = 2304 10-30 14:50:45.379 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] caeccoredatamanager.cpp:971: InitStatsConfig hist color channel not mapped: 8, forcing to Y 6 10-30 14:50:45.380 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][NONE: ] camxstatsroiprocessor.cpp:424: SetCropWindow AECROI: invalid crop window (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) 10-30 14:50:45.382 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] caeccore.cpp:401: queryMetaData Query under init mode is not allowed. 10-30 14:50:45.411 651 1601 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 7 10-30 14:50:45.411 651 1601 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1 10-30 14:50:45.451 651 1568 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxactuatordata.cpp:134 CalibrateActuatorDriverData() xiaomi af actuator macroDAC = 808, infinityDAC = 300, DACRange = 508 10-30 14:50:45.451 651 1568 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxactuatordata.cpp:135 CalibrateActuatorDriverData() xiaomi af actuator codePerStep = 1.270000 10-30 14:50:45.469 16115 16115 I MAMInfo : MAMInfo initialized. Debug=false, Agent=PRODUCTION, ManagedDialogDisabled=false, DeprecationDialogDisabled=false, PolicyRequired=false, MultiIdentityEnabled=true, FullBackupContent=true, UseDefaultEnrollment=false, ExceptionOnInit=false, Debuggable=false 10-30 14:50:45.721 16115 16115 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support 10-30 14:50:45.721 16115 16115 I MultiDex: Installing application 10-30 14:50:45.721 16115 16115 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. 10-30 14:50:45.831 651 1601 E CamX : [ERROR][PPROC ] camxbpsnode.cpp:2253 OverrideDefaultIQModuleEnablement() IQ module exists without an appropriate settings override. Must add override 10-30 14:50:45.826 651 651 W HwBinder:651_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:72203): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14819 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 10-30 14:50:45.840 651 1601 E libc : Access denied finding property "" 10-30 14:50:45.847 16115 16115 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful 10-30 14:50:45.854 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [CONFIG ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:2168 InitializeOverrideSession() Logical cam Id = 0 usecase addr = 0x7fa1c00000 10-30 14:50:45.855 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [ERROR ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:2198 InitializeOverrideSession() xieyue, camera id=0 10-30 14:50:45.855 651 1601 E CHIUSECASE: [CONFIG ] chxextensionmodule.cpp:2201 InitializeOverrideSession() xieyue set 0 10-30 14:50:45.864 878 5074 D Camera3-Device: Set real time priority for request queue thread (tid 16164) 10-30 14:50:46.181 651 1569 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] caeccoredatamanager.cpp:971: InitStatsConfig hist color channel not mapped: 8, forcing to Y 6 10-30 14:50:46.181 651 1566 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.188 651 1566 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.201 651 1567 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.208 651 1564 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.224 651 1568 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.224 651 1568 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camximagesensordata.cpp:743 FillExposureArray() imx586 lock lc_requestid=1 10-30 14:50:46.230 651 1569 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camximagesensordata.cpp:743 FillExposureArray() imx586 lock lc_requestid=2 10-30 14:50:46.233 651 1567 E CamX : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camximagesensordata.cpp:743 FillExposureArray() imx586 lock lc_requestid=3 10-30 14:50:46.322 651 1566 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1 10-30 14:50:46.326 651 1564 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AFD] afd_process.cpp:1626: afd_process_algo_run Either Null Stats Ptr or rowSumTime<=0: rowSumstats=0x7fa5ac6560, bg_stats=0x7fa5ac6578, rowSumTime=0.000000 10-30 14:50:46.327 668 16688 I WifiHAL : event received NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, vendor_id = 0x1374, subcmd = 0xd 10-30 14:50:46.341 651 1569 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.336 651 651 W provider@2.4-se: type=1400 audit(0.0:72204): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14819 scontext=u:r:hal_camera_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:default_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 10-30 14:50:46.347 651 1569 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1 10-30 14:50:46.349 651 1569 E libc : Access denied finding property "" 10-30 14:50:46.361 651 1568 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AFD] afd_process.cpp:1626: afd_process_algo_run Either Null Stats Ptr or rowSumTime<=0: rowSumstats=0x7fa56ce560, bg_stats=0x7fa56ce578, rowSumTime=0.000000 10-30 14:50:46.382 651 1566 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.402 651 1568 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1 10-30 14:50:46.409 651 1569 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.421 1603 1638 D Boost : hostingType=FastRestart, hostingName=null, callerPackage=system, isSystem=true, isBoostNeeded=false. 10-30 14:50:46.424 1603 1638 I ActivityManager: Start proc for FastRestart caller=system 10-30 14:50:46.436 651 1568 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.474 16195 16195 E .android.camer: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 10-30 14:50:46.475 651 1566 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AFD] afd_process.cpp:1626: afd_process_algo_run Either Null Stats Ptr or rowSumTime<=0: rowSumstats=0x7fa58ca560, bg_stats=0x7fa58ca578, rowSumTime=0.000000 10-30 14:50:46.486 651 1564 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1 10-30 14:50:46.490 651 1569 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 2 10-30 14:50:46.495 651 1567 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AFD] afd_process.cpp:1626: afd_process_algo_run Either Null Stats Ptr or rowSumTime<=0: rowSumstats=0x7fa57cc560, bg_stats=0x7fa57cc578, rowSumTime=0.000000 10-30 14:50:46.499 651 1566 E CamX : [ERROR][STATS_AFD] afd_process.cpp:1626: afd_process_algo_run Either Null Stats Ptr or rowSumTime<=0: rowSumstats=0x7fa58ca560, bg_stats=0x7fa58ca578, rowSumTime=0.000000 10-30 14:50:46.503 651 1564 W CamX : [ WARN][STATS ] camxafinterface.cpp:207 AFGetParam() Number of unsupported AF Param types 1
Can anyone tell me why the issue is coming for android? Does it require any extra settings?
@HemantSuryawanshi said in Application cant able to access camera and throws error Access denied finding property "":
Does it require any extra settings?
Your app has to ask for the access rights for the camera.
See -
@jsulm Yes, when the apk get deploy it ask permission to access camera and record video. I given the permissions. I also design a new application to access camera and give camera and storage permissions in AndroidManifesto.xml file. but it also giving same issue.