I have a QAbstractVideoSurface which displays a QVideoFrame. This works as expected for QVideoFrame::Format_RGB32 and QVideoFrame::Format_ARGB32. I am copying (memcpy) the data directly to the data section of the QVideoFrame. The data I am trying to display is 16 bit grayscale so I would prefer to use QVideoFrame::Format_Y16. But, the display area is white (no image) with this format chosen and 16 bit data copied to the QVideoFrame. Are there limitations on the use of QAbstractVideoSurface for QVideoFrame::Format_Y16?
Also, I do not know if the difference between presenting the grayscale values in Format_RGB32 will be visibly different than Format_Y16 on a normal computer display where this application will run. Should I stick to RGB32?
I am fairly new to Qt.
Thank you,
Aaron -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
I am not sure that this format is currently supported in the shaders implemented for QtQuick. That is something you'll have to check.
The QtMultimedia sources is the starting point.