Getting SplitterBar to use all the space available
QtDesigner :
I have been trying to get a splitter bar working with a QMainWindow.
The main windows has a central Widget called centralWidget.
To that I added a QWidget and a QStackedWidget
I then selected them both and selected to lay them out horizontally in a splitter.
I expected the Splitter to fill the space availbale in the central widget, but it didn't ... Do I need to apply a layout the centralWidget as well?
Update: Looks like the answer to that is YES I do. Somewhat surprised, but if that's what's needed!
David -
The splitter should be the central widget. Then you will get the result you are looking for.
Sorry, I am used to build UI 100% in code.
I do not remember if you can replace the central widget in designer. If that is not the case, you can change it in the .ui file directly.