Creating a widget which can hold an image and text
General and Desktop
I have created a widget which contain an image and a text, also there is a space between the image and the text.
I am painting the image and text in the paintevent but it is not aligned properly.
NB: I want the image + " space " + text placed exactly at the middle..
Please help me in this
QPainter painter(this); QRect paintRect = rect(); QPixmap pixmap = icon().pixmap(m_frameSize); painter.fillRect(rect(), QColor(170, 30, 30)); // filling the widget with background color int iconXCoordinate = (paintRect.width()) / 4; int iconYCoordinate = (paintRect.height() - pixmap.height()) / 2; painter.drawPixmap(iconXCoordinate,iconYCoordinate,pixmap); //drawing image painter.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255)); int textXCoordinate = iconXCoordinate + pixmap.width() +2 ; //2 pixel space int textYCoordinate = iconYCoordinate; QFontMetrics fontMetrics = painter.fontMetrics(); QRect fontRect = fontMetrics.tightBoundingRect(m_Text); painter.drawText((paintRect.width()/2), textYCoordinate + round( ( (double) fontRect.height())), m_Text);
This is not brining the image and text at the centre of the rectange. can you provide any logic to achieve thus
The coordinate system is not based on the center of what you want to paint.
Please take a look at the corresponding chapter in Qt's documentation.