Warning LNK 4217
I'm building with VS 2010 an application that uses Qt 4..6.3, and i get a warning :warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ?qt_call_post_routines@@YAXXZ (void __cdecl qt_call_post_routines(void))
imported in function "public: virtual __thiscall QApplication::~QApplication(void)" (??1QApplication@@UAE@XZ)C:\localSVN\branch_for_MSVS2010\OEM_Tools\Modules\xFramework\Test\QtGuid.lib(qapplication.obj)What exectly is this warning means and how can i get rid of it ?
No i'm compiling a pre-build version of qQ 4.6.3 with the option v90 in the platform toolset, so it can compile something that was built in VS2008.
Sorry, I don't understand what you're doing. Do you compile Qt or your application?
If you compile Qt, do not use the sources bundled in a prebuilt package for another compiler suite or version, but get the vanilla sources (qt-everywhere-xxx-src).
While it may work to use VS2008 object code in VS2010 with some trickery, it is generally not recommended and you are likely to get no support for that here - despite being told to build Qt in VS2010 manually.
Are you bound to Qt 4.6.3? It's quite old, and to my knowledge VS2010 was not supported with that version. I would recommend to use the most recent version 4.7.4, which can be built with VS2010 or 4.8 RC which has prebuilt binaries for VS2010.