Debugging two processes with Qt Creator?
@SPlatten said in Debugging two processes with Qt Creator?:
Is it possible to launch another instance of Qt Creator so I can debug both processes at the same time?
Why not simply try it out?
@Christian-Ehrlicher , I have and thats why I'm debugging it, because it doesn't currently work.
@SPlatten said in Debugging two processes with Qt Creator?:
because it doesn't currently work.
This is no real problem description.
@Christian-Ehrlicher , there is no description because I don't know why it doesn't work, if I new what it doesn't work obviously I could fix it, this is why I want to debug it so I can investigate further.
Sorry I don't understand your problem - "It does not work" does not help. What exactly does not work? Can't you start two instances of QtCreator? Can't you start the second debugging session in the second QtCreator?
@Christian-Ehrlicher , where exactly did I use your quote "It does not work" ?
I said I want to debug two processes using Qt Creator, I want to launch two separate instances of Qt Creator, the first debugging one process and the second debugging another. I then want to debug the interaction between both processes.
The problem I have is that I do not know how to start two instances of Qt Creator, how much clearer can I be?
@SPlatten said in Debugging two processes with Qt Creator?:
The problem I have is that I do not know how to start two instances of Qt Creator
You never said this before...
Don't know why you can't start two instances on MacOS. It works fine on Windows and Linux. -
@Christian-Ehrlicher , in my original post I said "Is it possible to launch another instance of Qt Creator", another meaning in addition to the first instance...
@SPlatten No, there you ask if it is possible, not that it does not work for you - these are two different things.
@Christian-Ehrlicher, again, isn't it obvious that before coming on here and posting the question I would have tried it?
I know nothing about Mac. But I assume you launch these Creators by clicking on an icon? And maybe that is what checks for/prevents multiple separate occurrences? Assuming it's like Linux, can you open a shell and type in the command-line to run Creator from there? In which case, does that allow multiple instances? -
@JonB , @Christian-Ehrlicher, @koahnig
Ok, I opened the contents of the folder "Qt" then went to Contents/MacOS and launched "Qt Creator", now I have two instances of Qt Creator open I will see if I can debug two applications simultaneously.
@SPlatten said in Debugging two processes with Qt Creator?:
on a Mac it's not so simple
Well that's the $64K question! Can't you find where an executable
is on your disk (Mac Finder?) and type in the full path to that? I would have thought it would be worthwhile to discover where exactly all the Qt stuff is installed on your disk once & for all, you might want to look inside header files etc.