Selecting Android ABI (QC 4.13.1)
I did a fresh install of Qt Creator and set it up as indicated in this video:
Everything seems to be fine until I attempt to deploy a test app on my Android phone. I get the following error:
'Android: The main ABI of the deployment device (armeabi-v7a) is not selected! The app execution or debugging might not work properly. Add it from Projects > Build > Build Steps > qmake > ABIs.'However, I can see no tab 'qmake->ABIs' where the ABI can be selected. ANDROID_ABIS="armeabi-v7a" can be set under additional arguments, but that still gives the same error.
Deploying a test app on Desktop works fine.
My environment:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Qt Creator 4.13.1
- Qt 5.9.9
- JDK: java-8-openjdk-amd64
- SDK: 2.1
- NDK: 21.1.6352462
- Samsung A3 phone with Android 8.0.0
Could there be any version incompatibility, or how could I set up the ABI correctly?
Qt 5.9.9
ABI selection was implemented in Qt 5.14. Update Qt to newer version!
@blaizi said in Selecting Android ABI (QC 4.13.1):
@joaogatao please where can I download qt 5.14
It's available in Qt installer (as is 5.15 - if you are starting new project, start with newest Qt version).
The installer is here (scroll way down for open source option):
And if you need source code, it is in the archive: