Opengl and PGM display
General and Desktop
Hello guys.
I want to show some pgm image using OpenGL.
I achieved that pretty easy with this:void OGLPyramid::display(const QImage* img) { m_image = img; this->update(); } void OGLPyramid::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.drawImage(this->rect(), *m_image); }
But i got a question - how can i specify display range? like if image got brightness distribution is between 0 and 65535 it looks pretty much okay, but if distribution is between 5000 and 5500 it looks black since display range stays from 0 to 65535. How can i adjust display range? Ofc would be nice to avoid changing the initial img data.
Thanks for your help.