Implementing bluetooth - general questions - part 3 - trace bluetooth inquiry in Qt
I am implementing Qt example "btscanner" .
I am having an issue with consistently detecting working / powered up nearby bluetooth devices. The key word is consistently.Scanning for nearby bluetooth device is standard function implemented in "blueZ' stack - sometime named "inquiry". Qt implements such scan via
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent class and it is physically started by
"using" QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent WHAT (?) declared aspublic Q_SLOTS:
void start();That is as far as tracing the Qt source code goes.
SInce "Q_SLOTS " is #define Q_SLOTS I really do not know if
void start() is a slot or function .Irrgadless of what it is - any suggestion HOW to trace "start" would be appreciated .
IMHO it is a function , so how do I find the "start" actual code , as used in
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent class SOURCE CODE ?Or can I run my app in debug mode to see how "start" interact with "blueZ"?
I am really looking for direct access to "blueZ" IF that is the underlining library used by Qt.
I need to see pass the Qt "wrappers". -
@AnneRanch said in Implementing bluetooth - general questions - part 3 - trace bluetooth inquiry in Qt:
any suggestion HOW to trace "start" would be appreciated .
You may want to enable categorized logging and these are all the possible logging categories pertaining Bluetooth:
qt.bluetooth qt.bluetooth.bluez qt.bluetooth.winrt qt.bluetooth.winrt.service.thread
@Pablo-J-Rogina Thanks, I think this will do nicely and not only on bluetooth.
Appreciate your post.