Can I set string values on the x axis with the ability to adjust the number of values something like "setTickCount()"
Created a candlestick chart with DateTime values on the x axis.
As you can see in the picture, you get empty spaces on weekends.
I created an additional " QLineSeries()".
On candles on the x axis indexes 0, 1, 2 ...... etc.
"QLineSeries () "data in "DateTime" format.Made invisible:
x axis of the candle chart and "QLineSeries()".
creating the
"QDateTimeAxis() "axis for "QLineSeries()".self._chart.axisX(self._candlestick_serie).setVisible(False) self._line_serie.setVisible(False)
It turned out what you need, there are no empty spaces.
Can I make it easier by creating string values on the x axis?
With the ability to adjust the number of displayed values, something like a function "setTickCount()"In C#, you can set the caption text along the X-axis.
int INDEX = 0; foreach (DataPoint point in chart1.Series["price"].Points) { point.AxisLabel = nums[INDEX].ToString();//nums[INDEX] format array DateTime INDEX++; }
English is not my native language, please be sympathetic)
I managed to put string values on the x axis(datetime data is converted to a string).
Created on the x axis QBarCategoryAxis.
Everything would be fine, but I can't adjust tick marks on the axis.