Client-Server communication through QWebChannel. Create new QT application processes whenever a new client is connected.
I have created an opengl based application having HTML UI and c++ logic, connected through QWebChannel.
For desktop versions(windows/linux), I created QWebEngineView to display the HTML UI. I was able to create-launch-exchange data between html and c++ application successfully.
Now, I want to create a browser based app using the same HTML UI and C++ logic. I can achieve this using QWebSocketServer, qTcpSocket, QWebChannelAbstractTransport classes and avoid creating webengineview if it is a webapp.
I want to load my Qt application in a new process whenever a client is connected.
JsToCppProxy webRelayMsgObj;
QWebChannel webChannel;
webChannel.registerObject("JsToCppProxy", &webRelayMsgObj);WebSocketTransport pSocketTransport = new WebSocketTransport(m_server->nextPendingConnection());*
QObject::connect(this, (void(WebSocketServer::)(QWebChannelAbstractTransport))&WebSocketServer::clientConnected,
&m_WebChannel, &QWebChannel::connectTo);emit clientConnected(pSocketTransport);
WebSocketTransport is derived from QWebChannelAbstractTransport. I picked it up from one of the qt examples.
- I'm new to socket programming. Above piece of code i have to do in a new Qt process. But m_server instance is in another Qt process. Can I create WebSocketTransport in one process and access the same instance in another Qt process to create QWebChannel(to connect slot)?
- QServer resides in one process(which has a qapplication) and my application also has a qapplication.
Is it fine to create different qapplications in different processes?
Is there any sample application for this scenario?
Is the direction I'm proceeding correct? Kindly help, I'm stuck.