Qnetwork Manager show available SSID's
General and Desktop
i am trying to use QNetwork to scan for available WLAN SSID's
Here is my test programm that just outputs debug messages for now . The main aim was to show which Wifi networks are in range on Linux.
I have a few issues :
On Linux :
Bearer Type for wlan0 and eth0 is shown as 1 (Ethernet) , i was expecting it to be 2 (WLan) for wlan0i was under the impression that x.name would give me the SSID's whats the correct command to get the SSiD's )
main.cpp :
#include "mainwindow.h" #include <QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }
my mainwindow.cpp :
#include "mainwindow.h" #include <QDebug> MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { findTimer = new QTimer(); findTimer->setInterval(1000); connect(findTimer,&QTimer::timeout,this,&MainWindow::findActiveWirelesses); findTimer->start(); foundCount = 0; findActiveWirelesses(); } void MainWindow::findActiveWirelesses() { QNetworkConfigurationManager ncm; netcfgList = ncm.allConfigurations(); WiFisList.clear(); for (auto &x : netcfgList) { qDebug() << "Type:" << x.bearerType() << "Name: " << x.name(); // on Linux This returns : // Type: 1 Name: "eth0" // Type: 1 Name: "wlan0" // on Windows This returns : // Type: 0 Name: "Celluar" // Type: 1 Name: "Ethernet" if (x.bearerType() == QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN) { //This does nothing as the bearerType stays 1 on linux and 0 or 1 on Windows if(x.name() == "") WiFisList << "Unknown(Other Network)"; else WiFisList << x.name(); } } for(int i=0; i<WiFisList.size(); i++) { bool exist = false; qDebug() << "Show wifi List size " << WiFisList.size(); } }
mainwindow.h :
#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <QWidget> #include <QTimer> #include <QList> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QStandardItem> #include <QStandardItemModel> #include <QNetworkConfiguration> #include <QNetworkConfigurationManager> #include <QNetworkSession> class MainWindow : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); int foundCount; QNetworkConfiguration netcfg; QStringList WiFisList; QList<QNetworkConfiguration> netcfgList; public slots: void findActiveWirelesses(); private: QTimer *findTimer; QStandardItemModel* listModel; QNetworkSession *session; }; #endif // MAINWINDOW_H