Application freeze on playing media files at MacOS
I use phonon for playing audio notes. Files are located at web server so I use HTTP as media source.
m_audioOutput = new Phonon::AudioOutput(Phonon::MusicCategory, this);
m_mediaObject = new Phonon::MediaObject(this);
Phonon::createPath(m_mediaObject, m_audioOutput);
After I call setCurrentSource program freeze.Playing local files works good. Everything also works on Windows so I think that problem maybe in QT backend.
Can you help me or tell any workaround for this problem?
I too face the similar issue. Everything works fine on Windows. But, on Mac MediaObject fetches all the data while doing setCurrentSource(), till then it is blocked.
I found similar post from Jan 2010: anyone please guide us if there is any solution/work around for this?
well, for everyone searching and stumbling upon this:
i had a similar experience with this, developing my app in windows, running fine, but compiled in mac, and crashes at setCurrentSource()..
for some reason calling m_mediaObject.clearQueue(); just before calling setCurrentSource() seems to do the trick... (don't know why, it's stupid, however no more crashing just by adding this line)