Bindings from Javascript to Webkit
i'm using PyQt to display a HTML page in QtWebkit. Now i wan't to expose an Object to Javascript with "addToJavaScriptWindowObject". Everyting works until i wan't to callback from Python to Javascript with a callback! For Example
@class X (QtObject):
def dosomething (self, onok):
# do some some task....
# the following does NOT work, but that's what i want :-)
onok.ready ()@now i can do this:"myX", X())@
and in javascriptcode:
@ ...
myX.dosomething (function () {
alert("no ready");
@as you can see, the parameter for my hostobject "myX" is a javascript function. i have not found a way to access this in python (or point me to some c++ documentation, would be ok too). the seconed parameter in "dosomething" is annotated as a "QWebElement" as i thought it could be a webelement. what type is this parameter? if i give the "wrong" type the whole "dosomething" function is not called.
how can i call from python back to javascript?
btw: i tried to use pyside, but it crashes completely, so i use pyqt.
thank you
I don't think it is possible at all with the current bridge (look at qt_runtime.cpp). That should be possible in the future when QtScript and QtWebKit will be integrated, but with the current bridge, I don't think you can do that.
The closest workaround I can think of is to pass a string with the name of a callback function, and invoke the function with QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript().