QList<int> from qml
QML and Qt Quick
I have simple QList<int> which I'm passing to QML with this property:Q_PROPERTY(QList<int> days MEMBER m_days NOTIFY daysChanged)
Now I have some function on C++ side to retrieve what has changed on QML side
Q_INVOKABLE void setSchedData(QString role,QVariant value);
I thought it should work stright away, because Qlist<int> is changed to Array when passing to QML and array is changed to QVariantList when going back to C++
But this piece of QML code made me some headache:var tmp_days=Array.from(WateringSchedModel.days) //for(var i=0;i<WateringSchedModel.days.length;i++) { // tmp_days.push(WateringSchedModel.days[i]) //} tmp_days.push(index_role) WateringSchedModel.setSchedData("days_role",tmp_days)
it works only with Array.from(exposed_from_cpp) or when I copy elements of days property to tmp_days (commented out), when I use Array.isArray(WateringSchedModel.days) it says false, typeof says object, simply writing:
var tmp_days=[]; tmp_days=WateringSchedModel.days
does not work, however I can iterate through tmp_days as if it has been an array, what Am I missing here ?