Qtwebkit 5.212 setuserstylesheet() is not working.
Am using Qt WebKit 5.212 Alpha4 release through yocto build on top of Qt 5.6.3 binaries and found good with respect to security bugs and fixes as recommended and QtTestBrowser works fine on target.
However, there are a few below qtwebkit test failures observed on latest yocto build on target but pass on ubuntu.
1)qtwebkit/tests/webkitwidgets/qwebview( 2 failed tests)
FAIL! : tst_QWebView::innerOuterRect() Compared values are not the same
Actual (innerWidth.toInt()): 426
Expected (geometry.width()) : 640
Loc: [tst_qwebview.cpp(539)]FAIL! : tst_QWebView::focusInputTypes() 'webView.testAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled)' returned FALSE. ()
2)qtwebkit/tests/webkitwidgets/qwebpage( 1 failed test)
FAIL! : tst_QWebPage::userStyleSheetFromLocalFileUrl() '::waitForSignal(m_view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)))' returned FALSE. ()
Loc: [tst_qwebpage.cpp(615)]Since we use setUserStyleSheetUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(".css")) in our application which fails to load .css, we need to ensure these qtwebkit tests pass on target.
Tried to use setUserStyleSheetUrl from qrc instead of setting setUserStyleSheetUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile) which worked but local image using background-image:url(arrow_right.png) in the .css is not set and rendered.
html,css and image are in the same directory.
The attributes in .css are used to style custom scrollbar as mentioned in https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qtwebkit-guide-css.htmlIt does work with scrollbar visible on ubuntu using css stylesheet but it doesnot show scrollbar on target.
Any suggestions to resolve the above are welcome.