Debug. App Dir: how to correct work with files
Trying to release a multilanguage app like this:
link textBut the next part of code is not working for me:
m_langPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); m_langPath.append("/languages"); QDir dir(m_langPath); QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(QStringList("TranslationExample_*.qm"));
applicationDirPath returns: absolute_path_to_my_project/debug
But folder language lays just in absolute_path_to_my_project folder.How to debug/release the app and write the universal code for working with the files?
Thank you!
couple of options you have here.-
Add your translation files to the QtRessource system, that way they will be part of the binary, but you're still able to normally access them / load them
Copy the files once to your build folder, as long as you do not delete the folder, those files will stay there
Or, write a post link macro that will copy the files for you (automatically)
since this is something I do, here's example code:
//*.pro file defineTest(copyToDestDir) { files = $$1 dir = $$2 # replace slashes in destination path for Windows win32:dir ~= s,/,\\,g for(file, files) { # replace slashes in source path for Windows win32:file ~= s,/,\\,g QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY_DIR $$shell_quote($$file) $$shell_quote($$dir) $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) } export(QMAKE_POST_LINK) } copyToDestDir($$PWD/translations, $$DESTDIR/translations)
@sitesv said in Debug. App Dir: how to correct work with files:
applicationDirPath returns: absolute_path_to_my_project/debug
If you're running your app from Qt Creator, check the settings for your debug session (under Project) so to set a specific working folder
@Pablo-J-Rogina Do you mean a shadow build? Usually, I disable this mode.
@sitesv I mean
Working directory
under Run Settings in Qt Creator (see screenshot there). -
@Pablo-J-Rogina Working directory is correct. But qt creates 'debug'/'release' folder and puts binary there. And when you start binary, applicationDirPath returns path to binary as-is: ...absoluth_path_to_project/debug/my_binary.exe.
A word of caution!
With no shadow build folder set, you're doing in source builds and are now you are mixing debug and release builds as well!I would highly recommend to not do this, you'll (eventually) end up with apparently incomprehensible compile errors!
@J-Hilk said in Debug. App Dir: how to correct work with files:
A word of caution!
With no shadow build folder set, you're doing in source builds and are now you are mixing debug and release builds as well!I thought that shadow build needs for building projects by various compiler types only. Could you please explain, what could be damaged without shadow build?
first of, without a shadow build folder, the makefile, the .qmake.stash all compiler/qmake generated files (moc files, obj files, ui files, resource files etc.) will be in your source directory, and make it highly unreadable, auto generated source files should always be kept separately. If any thing ever fails (happens often enough) and the clean option of QtCreator does not clean everything needed you can simply delete the build folder and your done.secondly, switching from debug to release can already cause problems, not just changing to a completely different compiler
I'm still not sure, what exactly is your case here, but if you only want to go up one folder and down into an other one you can do the following as well, without modifying the pro file:/* m_langPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); m_langPath.append("/languages"); QDir dir(m_langPath); QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(QStringList("TranslationExample_*.qm")); */ m_langPath = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); QDir dir(m_langPath); dir.cdUp();"languages") QStringList fileNames = dir.entryList(QStringList("TranslationExample_*.qm"));
@J-Hilk said in Debug. App Dir: how to correct work with files:
//*.pro file
defineTest(copyToDestDir) {
files = $$1
dir = $$2
# replace slashes in destination path for Windows
win32:dir ~= s,/,\,gfor(file, files) { # replace slashes in source path for Windows win32:file ~= s,/,\\,g QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$QMAKE_COPY_DIR $$shell_quote($$file) $$shell_quote($$dir) $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) } export(QMAKE_POST_LINK)
copyToDestDir($$PWD/translations, $$DESTDIR/translations)
This code is not working.
@sitesv well, for once, you can tell DESTDIR what is shall be!
For example, my DESTDIR looks like this:
CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DESTDIR = $$PWD/../Deployment/release } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { DESTDIR = $$PWD/../Deployment/debug }
This results in a new folder outside my shadow build folder, that has the name Deployment. In that, there will be 2 additional folders, Release and Debug. In those, the compiled exe will be copied(and executed when started from QtCreator) and the previous function will copy my specified folders to there as well.
In case of the translation files, (from the example line I posted) it would look like this for a release build: