Is it possible to make a Connections in a QmlTimer component ?
QML and Qt Quick
I'm trying to connect a signal from an Item to a Timer using Connections.
My code fails when I try to run it with the following error PathToMyProject/main.qml:21 Cannot assign to non-existent default property
If I replace the Timer component by an Item component everything works fine.
Here is my code:
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQml 2.12 ApplicationWindow{ id: root width: 500 height: 500 visible: true Item { id: itemId signal mySignal() } Timer { // Replacing the Timer component by an Item component does not trigger any error id: timerId property int nbr: 13 Connections // This is the line 21 { target: itemId onMySignal: timerId.nbr = 42; } } Column { Button { text: "emit signal"; onClicked: itemId.mySignal(); } Button { text: "display nbr"; onClicked: console.log(timerId.nbr); } } }
It's like it is not possible to assign a Connections to a Timer component.
Can someone explain me if I'm right and why ?
Thank's a lot ^^
@Moisi said in Is it possible to make a Connections in a QmlTimer component ?:Cannot assign to non-existent default property
Don't define the Connections inside the Timer.
Timer { d: timerId property int nbr: 13 } Connections { target: itemId onMySignal: timerId.nbr = 42; }
In this context you don't even need Connections
Item { id: itemId signal mySignal() onMySignal : timerId.nbr = 42; }