Loading a library from a subfolder of the applicaiton dir
Installation and Deployment
i have following setup:
Application is installed to lets say C://myApp/
Now I want to be one library inside C://myApp/mySpecialLib/
The other Qt libs may stay in the first folder.So what do I need to do so windows will find the lib.
- I do not want to add the folder to PATH since this will mess up the system path environment.
- The Library contains a class that i want to use. Now as far as I understood I cannot use QLibrary for delayed loading since it only works for functions, not classes.
- QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath() is not working since, as far as i understood does not help windows finding libraries and is only for Qt plugins and such stuff.
So how can I handle this the best way?
@Pablo-J-Rogina As far as I understood QLibrary is only for loading libs with functions in them but cannot be used to load a lib containing a class?
I do not know how to advise @gde23 on this. You might take a look at e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26234327/qlibrary-import-a-class, which is covering what he is talking about the problem of accessing classes in a dynamically-loaded DLL. I can see the problem...!