ByteArray to Image
Hello Friends
i am working on TCP/IP Application
I am sending image using QTcpSocket and receive image in server Side applicationi am getting bytearray data from socket now i want to convert my bytearray Data into image
My Server Side Code Is :
socket = reinterpret_cast<QTcpSocket*>(sender()); socket->setReadBufferSize(4096); QFile target; target.setFileName(QString("ABC.bmp")); qDebug() << socket->readBufferSize(); qDebug() << socket->readAll(); Data = socket->readAll(); if (! | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::ReadWrite)) { qDebug() << "Can't open file for written"; return; } target.write(Data); target.close(); ui->lbl_Image_From_Client->setPixmap(QPixmap("ABC.bmp")); ui->lbl_Image_From_Client->update();
My Client Side Code Is :
if(socket->isOpen()) { QFile file("Screen.bmp"); if(! qDebug() << "Can't Send"; Data = file.readAll(); socket->setReadBufferSize(4096); socket->write(Data); qDebug() << socket->readAll(); socket->flush(); }
i didn't get image at server side
please help me to solve this problem -
@Ketan__Patel__0011 Your server code (did not check your client code) is not going to work if it is in a slot connected to readyRead signal (please post more complete code, so it is clear where that code chunk is actually located). The problem is: the data will arrive in several chunks not just one. That means you need to accumulate the data in a buffer until you got whole data and only then use it to create the image.