QML ComboBox - how to validate selected item?
Hello, I'm a beginner in Qt.
I'm having trouble with ComboBoxes, I have a form, user fills the form, I save data in my db, but if the user wants to edit/update them, I have trouble with comboboxes, I can load data to combobox, but I also want to show the item user previously selected and validate it before updating (as i have -insert- form, i have also -update- form)this is my combobox:
RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true ComboBox { id: comboPerson Layout.minimumWidth: 170 editable: true textRole: "personName" model: ListModel { id: comboPersonListModel Component.onCompleted: JS.loadComboPerson() } delegate: ItemDelegate { width: comboPerson.width height: comboPerson.height font.pixelSize: 15 contentItem: Label { width: comboPerson.width height: comboPerson.height text: personName font.pixelSize: 15 topPadding: 12 } } } }
how i load data:
function loadComboPerson() { var db = open() db.transaction(function (tx) { var results = tx.executeSql( 'SELECT personId, personName FROM persons WHERE personId IS NOT 0') for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) { comboPersonListModel.append({ personName: results.rows.item(i).personName, personId: results.rows.item(i).personId }) } }) }
but i also want to show the item user previously selected:
function selectProject(idProject) { var db = open() db.transaction(function (tx) { var results = tx.executeSql( 'SELECT projectName, clientName, contact, realizationAdd, address, colorRectangle, realizationTypes.realizationType, todayDate, testDate, launchDate,special, projects.notes, persons.personName FROM projects INNER JOIN realizationTypes ON projects.realizationTypeId = realizationTypes.realizationTypeId INNER JOIN persons ON projects.personId = persons.personId WHERE projects.projectId = ?', [idProject]) if (results.rows.length > 0) { var result = results.rows.item(0) projectNameId.text = result.projectName; clientId.text = result.clientName; contactId.text = result.contact; addressId.text = result.address; realizationId.text = result.realizationAdd; comboRealization.editText = result.realizationType; todayDateId.text = result.todayDate; testDateId.text = result.testDate; launchDateId.text = result.launchDate; specialId.text = result.special; notesId.text = result.notes; comboPerson.editText = result.personName; // here is the part from example colors.editText = result.colorRectangle; } else { console.log("n"); } })
I'm not sure if I should use editText, I just want the item that was selected by the user to be in my combobox as selected item BUT when user wont change this combobox, currentIndex is -1 so its empty and i cant process my update form (where I have if statement if currentIndex is >=0)
I tried: currentText - its read only, displayText - it is just the text that its displayed on combobox button (if i understand right)