Where configuration system searches for openssl/opensslv.h on Windows?
General and Desktop
When I configure QT like this:
configure.bat -prefix E:\Qt\Qt5.15.0\windows -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS -release -force-debug-info -platform win32-msvc ^ -openssl-linked OPENSSL_LIBS="-libcrypto_static -llibssl_static" -I E:\repos\openssl\1.1.1g\include -L E:\repos\openssl\1.1.1g ^ -opensource -confirm-license -nomake tests -nomake examples ^
I get:
OpenSSL ................................ no Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ no
and finally the code compiles with QT_NO_SSL defined.
But as we can see from docs, the configuration system checks for the presence of the openssl/opensslv.h, but it is not clear enough where does it check. The header exists in my include path, so probably it checks somewhere else.
In the logs I have this:
$OPENSSL_LIBS is not set. => source produced no result. Trying source 1 (type inline) of library openssl ... openssl/ssl.h not found in [] and global paths. openssl/opensslv.h not found in [] and global paths.
Your -l statements look wrong. You should not have the lib prefix in the library name.
@SGaist corrected libs statement, now my exact configuration command is:
configure.bat -prefix E:\Qt\Qt5.15.0\windows -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS -release -force-debug-info -platform win32-msvc ^ -openssl-linked OPENSSL_LIBS="-llibcrypto_static -llibssl_static" -I E:\repos\openssl\1.1.1g\include -L E:\repos\openssl\1.1.1g ^ -opensource -confirm-license -nomake tests -nomake examples ^ -skip networkauth -skip serialport -skip serialbus -skip activeqt -skip quick3d -skip quicktimeline -skip lottie -skip remoteobjects -skip scxml ^ -skip webglplugin -skip webchannel -skip gamepad -skip 3d -skip wayland -skip connectivity -skip sensors -skip script ^ -skip location -skip xmlpatterns -skip speech -skip virtualkeyboard -skip datavis3d -skip charts -skip webengine -skip webview -skip doc ^ -skip macextras -skip x11extras -skip androidextras
but now I get:
ERROR: Feature 'openssl-linked' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!features.securetransport && !features.schannel && libs.openssl' failed.
and in logs I still have:
$OPENSSL_LIBS is not set. => source produced no result.
They are still wrong, "lib" should not be there. Did you check the test logs to see exactly what failed for OpenSSL ?