QQmlApplicationEngine not completely unloading qml components
I'm currently loading my main.qml using QQmlApplicationEngine and works fine, and then I want to switch to main2.qml (without calling quit() on my QQmlApplicationEngine since that triggers QCoreApplication::exit() which will exit my application). So I just delete my engine, make a new one and set the context properties again (not the same context properties for main.qml slightly different), and it loads fine. But I get warnings like
qrc:/qml/...: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool
Why is the engine not unloading and reloading the qml files again? Why do I get a warning for a property that was defined when I loaded the engine the first time but isn't defined when I load the second time.
NOTE: If I load main2.qml first, I don't get the warning, even though the property is undefined.
Your help is appreciated.
EDIT: Here is my code
QSharedPointer<QQmlApplicationEngine> m_engine; QQmlContext* m_ctxt; void loadEngine(int window){ m_engine->clearComponentCache(); m_engine.reset(new QQmlApplicationEngine, &QObject::deleteLater); m_ctxt = m_engine->rootContext(); m_ctxt->setParent(m_engine.get()); QVector<QQmlContext::PropertyPair> qmlProperties; qmlProperties.push_back(QQmlContext::PropertyPair{"object", QVariant::fromValue(object)}); if(window == 1){ qmlProperties.push_back(QQmlContext::PropertyPair{"object1", QVariant::fromValue(object1)}); // add more context properties m_ctxt->setContextProperties(qmlProperties); m_engine->load(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/qml/main.qml"))); } else{ qmlProperties.push_back(QQmlContext::PropertyPair{"object2", QVariant::fromValue(object2)}); // add more context properties m_ctxt->setContextProperties(qmlProperties); m_engine->load(QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/qml/main2.qml"))); } }
@developa said in QQmlApplicationEngine not completely unloading qml components:
void loadEngine(int window){
m_engine->clearComponentCache();IIRC you should also call
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qqmlengine.html#trimComponentCachevoid loadEngine(int window){ m_engine->clearComponentCache(); m_engine->trimComponentCache();