Tab order Bug
Hello all,
I have a pretty big bug. For a program I am creating, I want to specify my tab order. In the interface builder, I go to Edit->Edit Tab Order. I then proceed to edit my tab order. Once done, I go to Edit->Edit Widgets and I save the document.
Then I go to test everything and I build the program. However, when I tab through all of my widgets, the order is incorrect. So I go back to the Edit tab and check and sure enough, everything is in the correct tab order. I then proceed to do a clean build. However, even after that I am getting incorrect tab orders.
So am I doing everything correct? Am I missing a step? Or is there a bug in the library. Is there another way I can set my tab order?
I am settings my tab order inside of a scroll area widget. I am not sure if this means anything. -
Any thoughts?
It works as expected for me in Qt 5.14.1, win 10 ( tried inside scrollarea)
There is no other steps.Have you tried in a clean project ?
Maybe there is something in the code that changes the order.
@mrjj Thank you for your reply. I did some more investigating and I realized that I am replacing the widget on the form with a customized widget!
I think this is messing up the tab order hence my current "bug". Is an example of where I can transfer the tab order from one widget to another?
Ok, so I found the function setTabOrder. I am currently using this and it mostly fixes my issue.
However, there is an instance between two widgets where the tab focus goes off to some unknown location for 6 clicks, afterwards, it comes back to the next widget and continues from there like nothing happened