iOS saves Video mp4 as zero KB
I have a qml that has a videoRecorder .. Application saves mp4 fine in Android.
The mp4 does saves in iOS .. BUT file size is zero KBCamera { id: camera viewfinder.resolution: "1080x1920" // "640x480" viewfinder.minimumFrameRate: 30 viewfinder.maximumFrameRate: 30 position: Camera.FrontFace imageProcessing.whiteBalanceMode: CameraImageProcessing.WhiteBalanceAuto focus.focusPointMode: CameraFocus.FocusPointFaceDetection focus.focusMode: CameraFocus.FocusContinuous exposure { exposureMode: Camera.ExposureAuto } imageProcessing { denoisingLevel: 1.0 } videoRecorder { resolution: "640x480" frameRate: 30 videoBitRate: 15000000 audioChannels: 1 audioBitRate: 8000 mediaContainer: "mp4" } }
I bind the location as follows
QString theDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); QUrl q = QUrl::fromLocalFile(theDir); result->m_videoPath = q.toString();
The in QML
var path = filter.videoPath + "/" + filter.PID + ".MP4"; videoRecorderPathName.pathName = path; var outResult = camera.videoRecorder.setOutputLocation(path); if (outResult) { console.debug("setOutputLocation success"); console.debug("OutputLocation " + path); } else { console.debug("setOutputLocation fail"); console.debug("OutputLocation " + path); }
The setOutputLocation returns false
However; Upon stop .. the file is created in the anticipated directory on the iPhone .. But the file size is zero KB
I resolved the issue..
I will share in the event someone else experiences the same pain as I have today..
The problem was the videoBitRate & audioBitRate .. after removing these ... the mp4 files saved in iOS correctly .. and by the way I found the correct codec
videoRecorder { resolution: "640x480" frameRate: 30 //videoBitRate: 15000000 audioChannels: 1 //audioBitRate: 8000 mediaContainer: "mp4" videoCodec: "avc1" }
As a post note ... I want to thank you for providing excellent examples.. I was able to look at your camera-Widget & camera-QML examples and they were valuable.
The camera-Widget was great because it has a setup dialog that runs all the 'supported' methods so I was able to see the supported Codec and Container option that exist on my iPhone.
Hi and welcome to devnet
Just an intuition but I would try with mov as media container.
Thank you for the rapid reply.. Unfortunately that did resolve the issue.
Any other ideas? -
More info ..
I am getting Unsupported codec messages as well..
I have tried 'h264' 'mpeg4' 'mp4'
Would anyone have an idea as to which codec you would use on iOS for mp4 or mov files?
Are there any libraries or framework LIBS I need to include in the pro file?
Thank you
UPDATE: .. current LIBS in pro file
LIBS += -framework Foundation
LIBS += -framework AVFoundation
LIBS += -framework CoreFoundation
LIBS += -framework MessageUI
LIBS += -framework Photos -
I resolved the issue..
I will share in the event someone else experiences the same pain as I have today..
The problem was the videoBitRate & audioBitRate .. after removing these ... the mp4 files saved in iOS correctly .. and by the way I found the correct codec
videoRecorder { resolution: "640x480" frameRate: 30 //videoBitRate: 15000000 audioChannels: 1 //audioBitRate: 8000 mediaContainer: "mp4" videoCodec: "avc1" }
As a post note ... I want to thank you for providing excellent examples.. I was able to look at your camera-Widget & camera-QML examples and they were valuable.
The camera-Widget was great because it has a setup dialog that runs all the 'supported' methods so I was able to see the supported Codec and Container option that exist on my iPhone.