Unable to qmake QtWebengine - "qtwebenginecore-config.pri: No such file or directory"
I tried to configure Qt 5.12.8 with the below configure line on Ubuntu 16.04 but QtWebengine is not being configured.
./configure -opensource -confirm-license -qt-libjpeg -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -sql-sqlite -qt-xcb -cups -no-opengl -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdeclarative -skip qtgamepad -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtimageformats -skip qtlocation -skip qtmacextras -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtquickcontrols2 -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtscript -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtserialport -skip qtspeech -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwinextras -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtx11extras -skip qtxmlpatterns -nomake tools -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-use-gold-linker -no-iconv -no-mtdev -dbus -fontconfig -system-freetype -no-libudev -ssl -qt-pcre -v
It installed all the Qt modules except QtWebengine.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.8/qtwebengine$ qmake
Cannot read /home/ubuntu/qt-everywhere-src-5.12.8/qtwebengine/src/core/qtwebenginecore-config.pri: No such file or directory
Project ERROR: Could not find feature webengine-v8-snapshot-support.Building QtWebengine as a separate module after extracting Qt webengine sources(qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.12.8.tar) did configure successfully.
But make throws the error Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qml-private quick-private
Can you suggest if I need to skip or add any other modules in the configure line which are dependent on QtWebEngine?
In the above configure line which installed Qt, Qt Quick modules are skipped. -
Because you are skipping qtdeclarative.
qtdeclarative is a mandatory dependency.
I have not skipeed qtdeclarative but still qtwebengine folder does not populate.Bison,flex,Gperf,Python all are installed.Still not able to get.
@Mahendra11 hi and welcome to devnet,
That's not enough details. What error do you get ? What exactly does fail ?
This post is deleted!
@SGaist hi,I am able to build and install the QT5 from qt-everywhere-src-5.12.4 but the qtwebengine folder does not populate in my build dir.This is the error i am getting it tries to build the webengine but does not do anything.I know that to build webengine we need some pre requirement like Bison,flex,gperf and python.I have all this in my config file. I am skipping the below modules.
"qtx11extras",Info: creating cache file qt-everywhere-src-5.12.4/qtwebengine/.qmake.cache
make[1]: Entering directoryqt-everywhere-src-5.12.4/qtwebengine' make[1]: Nothing to be done for
make[1]: Leaving directory `qt-everywhere-src-5.12.4/qtwebengine' -
What is the configure summary concerning QtWebEngine ?
Qt WebEngine:
Embedded build ......................... no
Pepper Plugins ......................... yes
Printing and PDF ....................... yes
Proprietary Codecs ..................... no
Spellchecker ........................... yes
Native Spellchecker .................... no
WebRTC ................................. yes
Use System Ninja ....................... no
Geolocation ............................ no
WebChannel support ..................... yes
Use v8 snapshot ........................ yes
Kerberos Authentication ................ no
Use ALSA ............................... no
Use PulseAudio ......................... no
Optional system libraries used:
re2 .................................. no
icu .................................. no
libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux . no
opus ................................. no
ffmpeg ............................... no
libvpx ............................... no
snappy ............................... no
glib ................................. no
zlib ................................. yes
minizip .............................. no
libevent ............................. no
jsoncpp .............................. no
protobuf ............................. no
libxml2 and libxslt .................. no
lcms2 ................................ no
png .................................. no
JPEG ................................. no
harfbuzz ............................. no
freetype ............................. yes
x11 .................................. yes
Required system libraries:
fontconfig ........................... yes
dbus ................................. no
nss .................................. no
khr .................................. no
glibc ................................ yes
Required system libraries for qpa-xcb:
libdrm ............................... yes
xcomposite ........................... yes
xcursor .............................. yes
xi ................................... yes
xtst ................................. yes -
You have 3 required system libraries that are missing from the looks of it.