how to pass data from readyRead() to QRunnable class protected function.
General and Desktop
data Variable from myclint class to mytask class run() function than inheritance QRunnable class
void MyClient::readyRead() { QByteArray data = socket->readAll(); qDebug() << data ; //Time Consumer MyTask *mytask = new MyTask(); mytask->setAutoDelete(true); connect(mytask,SIGNAL(Result(int)),SLOT(TaskResult(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(mytask); }
void MyTask::run() { //time consumer qDebug() << "Task Start"; int iNumber = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { iNumber += i; } qDebug() << "Task Done"; emit Result(iNumber); }
thanks ,
Define a member variable in MyTask class;
Then pass the data using constructor or define a public function to set it.class MyTask : public QRunnable { public: MyTask(const QByteArray& data); void run(); private: QByteArray m_data; }; MyTask::MyTask(const QByteArray& data) : m_data(data){} void MyTask::run() { //do something with m_data } MyTask *mytask = new MyTask(data);
thanks Bonnie ,